
Credits goes to NPTEL, TICEPD and every contributor who initially made the original repository. I am maintaining this forked repository to save & track my changes and add new programs, other stuff as I learn more.

View the Project on GitHub

EmbSysDesign_NPTEL_Course (TICEPD)-Forked

Design files location


CCS Project files location


Fritzing Sketch files location


+ If you have cloned this repository, make sure you do a "git pull origin master" as I update files weekly
+ and add new experiments as the NPTEL weeks unfold.
- Deleting the Documents(PDF) - Doc Folder
- The Documents provided in the original repository were outdated
- and can also be found on the internet, if required
- They were big bulk files and were taking up major space.
- So, I deleted them.
! Now the repository does not contain any doc about BSL program, MSP430 LunchBox & LaunchPad UART

Week wise distribution of Examples Msp430G2553